Thursday 24 September 2015

Cover Reveal: Lovestrong (The Kingdom #3) by Nikki Groom


Title: LOVESTRONG (The Kingdom, #3)
Author: Nikki Groom
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design by: Hang Le
Release Date: October 19, 2015


Growing up wasn't easy for Lottie. As an only child with self-absorbed parents, she soon learned that the one person she could depend upon was herself. A brave face and defensive self-preservation kept her strong.
Then Lottie met Spike.
He didn't see her little habits as frustrating; he embraced them.
He didn't run from her fiery temper and sharp tongue; he admired her for her tenacity.
He loved her and she loved him.
And somehow, despite Lottie's reluctance to let her guard down, Spike King managed to burrow his way in to her gentle heart and penetrate that steely armour she surrounded herself with.
Then one night it all changed.
A family vendetta.
A life shattering hit and run.
A moment that would change their lives forever.
Will their love be strong enough to pull them back together?
Or will the damage from that one fateful night keep them apart for ever?
Authors note: Spike and Lottie's story can be read as a stand alone. 
However, to appreciate their personalities and the journey they have been on to get to this book, you should really read Holding Aces (The Kingdom 1) and High Stakes (The Kingdom 2). 
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Holding Aces (The Kingdom, #1)


They say that time heals all wounds. 
But mine are set in so deeply, they’ve taken on a life of their own, lurking in the shadows at every turn and haunting my thoughts. 

The girl I once was has been replaced by a stranger. 
I don’t even know who I am anymore. 

I run. 
And I hide. 
Pretending to be someone I’m not… 

Until I meet Denham King. 
My burst of color in an otherwise grey world. 
And for the first time in my life, I find myself running towards someone instead of running away. 

But fate can be cruel, 
and I can’t escape my past. 
Can I?

High Stakes (The Kingdom, #2)


“Stupid. Beautiful. Girl. How did you ever think you could be free?” 

The last words I heard before the darkness took me and my dreams were shattered.

I was on my way to having it all. 
Friends, family and a future. 
Everything I had wished for but never thought possible. 

Denham King showed me just how good life could be. A life where love and happiness were within reach. 


I should have known it would never last. 
My past is a dark, damp cloud, that has seeped into my skin and left a cold promise. 
A promise of hurt and pain. 
A promise of a long, hard fight, where the stakes are high and the risks threaten lives. 

When your world gets thrown in all directions, and your dreams for the future are torn from your grasp; how do you go on? 

Can I fight the demons that haunt me? 
Can love save me from fate’s cruel path?

About the Author

Nikki Groom is a hopeless romantic, lover of all things happily ever after and firm believer that love makes the world go around.  In her spare time, you will find Nikki laughing with her very treasured family, walking with her beloved dog in the hundred acre wood or curled up in a cosy corner with words and wine.  She lives in East Sussex with her husband and two children. Having turned her hand to many things over the years, Nikki is now proud to add ‘author’ to that list.  Having always been a dreamer, Nikki’s imagination stretches far and wide, which enables her to get lost in faraway places and imaginary people.  

Nikki loves to chat, especially about books! You can find her here…



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