Sunday 6 September 2015

Blog Tour: Indecision by Eliabeth Grace + excerpt + giveaway

Indecision - Ebook Small

Title: Indecision
Author: Elisabeth Grace
Release Date: August 31, 2015


Jackie Davenport will try anything once, especially in the bedroom. Anything except falling in love. She lives a carefree existence packed full of fun, but free from emotional entanglements and that’s just how she wants to keep it. When she meets the new police officer in town, she’s unable to deny the connection between them. His over confidence and bullish ways grate on her…still she can’t help but find herself falling into his bed AND falling for him. 

Jamie McTavish is man enough to admit that he probably didn’t make the best first impression when he met the 911 Operator. That doesn’t mean there isn’t still sizzling sexual tension between them. He’s a man of action and he’s not content to sit on the sidelines until Jackie works out her issues. But trying to tame this tiger might be too big of a challenge for even him.

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Holy shit, someone just bid six hundred bucks on me.

“Wowee, can you believe it everyone? We’re up to six hundred dollars already. Keep it coming! And don’t forget that it’s all going to a great cause. Who wouldn’t want to spend an evening with all this?” The MC held his hand out and motioned from my head to my feet and back up like I was a prize on The Price Is Right.

All the attention of the crowd turned back to the older lady, who was biting nervously on the end of her finger. Finally, after a moment, she called out, “Seven hundred!”

The blonde rolled her eyes. “Eight hundred.” She crossed her arms over her chest and pinned the elderly lady with a challenging gaze.

A woman standing beside the older lady shoved her with an elbow. The older lady chewed on her lip for a moment, looking unsure. Waving a hand in front of her, she said, “You can have him. I probably wouldn’t know what to do with him anyway.”

The crowd laughed, and the MC brought the mic to his mouth. “Eight hundred dollars going once…going twice…”

I glanced over to the blonde, who had a triumphant look on her face.


“One thousand dollars!”

At the new bid, the entire room hushed, and the blonde woman’s eyes bugged out of her head. She turned, searching the low murmuring throng for the person who had outbid her. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I didn’t have to wait to see her walk up through the parted crowd to know who it was—I’d recognize her voice anywhere.

My lips spread into a satisfied smile, and my dick twitched in my pants before I even set eyes on Jackie. Seems she was finally ready to acknowledge what I’d been telling her all along.

Giveaways and Release Festivities

Want to win? Enter via the rafflecopter below! 

Elisabeth Grace isn't giving away just one prize in celebration of INDECISION - she's giving away a ton more! 
Be sure to keep an eye on Elisabeth Grace's Facebook page this week for more information about a lot of really cool prizes you can win!


Be sure to sign up for Elisabeth Grace's newsletter - she's releasing a new chapter of BUILT TO LAST every two weeks, which will be available to newsletter subscribers only as she writes it!

Connect with Elisabeth Grace

 If you're US based and you want to receive a text message when Elisabeth has a new book go LIVE, text ROMANCE to 313131!

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