Monday, 22 July 2013

Just Human Release Day Launch with review, excerpt & author interview

We are UNBELIEVEABLY excited to be part of the Release Day Launch of such an amazing debut novel Just Human from Kerry Heavens. You REALLY need to go 1-click buy this book, trust us. 
Not only do we have a steamy teaser for you but we have an awesome 5 * review from Sarah-Jane and an even awesomer (I know it's not a proper word but I like it, lol!) interview from the author herself! We certainly enjoyed chatting with you Kerry and you are officially one of our favourite authors. 

Title: Just Human
Author: Kerry Heavens
Release Date: July 22, 2013
Genre: Adult Contemporary

The Synopsis

Meet Liv and Danny…

Liv loves Danny. She knows she loves him more than he loves her, so she lets him go without a fight when his parents make him move back to America. She knows she will never love anyone like she loved him, but she has to move on.

Danny loves Liv. He knows he loves her more than she loves him, because she does nothing to get him to stay, so he goes quietly when his parents leave the UK. He knows he will never love anyone like he loved her, but he has to move on.

Twelve years on, they have made a good job of pretending, they may have almost forgotten. But when they get in touch via Facebook, it seems that it is all still there. They quickly find that they are intensely compatible in ways they hadn’t even begun to explore before they were forced apart.

Can they put aside their fears and give it a go? Or will deep rooted doubts and insecurities tear them apart?

The Steamy Excerpt

I ease back into consciousness and for a moment I’m disorientated. I squeeze my eyes together tightly and then pry one open. Blinking against the light, I realise it must be late. The light is bright mid-morning light and the sounds of life drift up to me from downstairs. I’m draped across Danny, who is still sleeping soundly. I can't see the time without moving and I don't want to wake him. I sigh happily; this is insane. Danny is back in my life. Staying with me, hinting that he might stick around, helping out in the bar. Telling me, well almost telling me that he has feelings for me still. It’s hard to take stock of these facts. It feels like a dream and I don't want to wake up. That's why I want to head to my parents, I think. Put it in some context. Mum might have some pearl of wisdom that can help me. Danny shifts slightly, still fast asleep. Where my leg is draped across his, something hard presses into my inner thigh. Morning glory! I smirk, nuzzling his chest and lightly kissing his skin. Mark comes unwelcome into my mind. He always used to say that being woken up by sex is the best thing that can ever happen to a man. He was always remarking on the fact that I never did it, but he never deserved it. He had no idea how to put a woman in the mood; he only cared about himself. I shake him out of my head, reminding myself that I’m lying across a man who doesn't just care about himself. He seems to care about me, a great deal. I shift slightly, feeling him hard against me once more. I could just slide on top of him and do it right now. I pause to consider this, what’s stopping me? Gently, I lift my head; he’s so beautiful. I kiss his chest again, but this time I trail kisses down his sculpted abdomen, pausing at his waistband. He moans slightly in his sleep but doesn't wake. I delicately lift the elastic up and stretch it back, holding it in place with my hand below his impressive erection. He stirs slightly, I position my mouth over him, before he wakes and lick him. He stirs again, moaning. I want him to wake up in my mouth, so before it’s too late I take him between my lips, rolling my tongue around the tip and then plunging down onto him. He moans loudly, shifting beneath me as he becomes aware of what’s happening. "Oh!" he sighs as I gently suck on him. I watch as his eyelids flick open and shock registers on his face. He lifts his head to see what’s going on and laughs when he confirms his suspicions."Oh God, Liv. That's incredible,” he breathes, still grinning like the Cheshire Cat

The Review

Hi all Sarah-Jane here again, well I must've done something right if they've asked me back again ;) I really.. REALLY enjoyed this book...

If I'm honest this book absoulutely floored me..

It's's RAW!! It is worth more than just 5 stars but I will have to settle for just 5 I guess...

This book rang true to me, Liv & Danny have such an intense relationship but it isn't forced, it isn't full of mixed signals, with the usual 'does she doesn't she' type relationship. Danny is Mr. Perfect he is truly a man of any women's dreams.. back to him later. I loved how after 12 years of no communication or contact they just click.. true love <3


Is true love always enough? Does true love always run smoothly? In Liv & Danny's case the issue is Distance.. can they overcome this issue or will they always separated by 5000 miles? 12 years is a long time to be separated, what happened in that time while they were apart? Will the past come back to bite them on the arse?

Danny is a successful business man, Liv owns and runs a successful diner & bar, will they give it all up for each other? Give each other the chance they never got 12 years earlier? This book kept me gripped, it pulled me in and kept me there thinking.. when is this going to turn sour, what's going to happen, it can't all be smooth sailing.. and I was right, a big sour lemon in the shape of an ex.. who's ex? I'll leave that to you to work out ;)

I was laughing, I was crying, I was smiling, it was pulling at my heart strings.. at many points in this book I found myself sitting back thinking 'this is real, this is exactly what I would do in this situation' it isn't fake, it isn't full of sex that makes you think 'if only' it is what it is and it is REAL!!

With me, the style of writing & how the book is written overall plays a big part in how I rate a book but Kerry is a flawless writer, I can see good things coming from her. On that note I will say Just Human is one of my top books amongst SC Stephens - Thoughtless Series & Rebecca Donovan - Breathing Series, pretty big huh? Well that's because I connected with these characters, Liv with her smart mouth & Danny with his big heart.

I hope you enjoy the photo's we have also posted, these ARE the real photos taken by myself of the REAL places mentioned in the book. Enjoy. 

My head is full of unanswered question and I cant wait for Still Human (Autum 2013)

The quote for me that sums up this book is...  
'You are always rooted here with me'

Sarah-Jane - Guest reviewer for MakeMyDayBookclub

The willow tree


       The Ice-rink

The Interview  
by Sarah-Jane

SJ: First of all I'd like to say...Hello Kerry & thank you for doing this interview with
us. We have a long list of questions for you so shall we make a start.
Kerry: This is my first EVER interview, so I can't wait to start!
SJ: Wow,we feel so honoured! 
Lets jump straight in then with the question on everyone's mind. Where did you get your influence from to write Just Human? Are Danny & Liv based on people in your life or are they purely fictional characters?
Kerry: So much of Liv is based on me, but then I would have to say the same about Danny too. I know that he is a guy, but I don't have a girlie personality, so it was easy to find both characters from within me. The close friendships with Max and Jen are inspired by my real friendships. I am lucky to have a really close group of friends and I'm particularly close with the boys as our history dates back to school. I really wanted to emulate something of what I have because I think only that history and genuine fondness could have got Liv and Danny through their time apart. Their story is entirely fictional though and literally came to me in a clichéd thunderbolt moment.
SJ: Liv has lots of tattoos. What we'd like to know is, if you have any tattoos and if so how many and of what?
Kerry: I have my children's initials in the inside of my wrist, which I love and a purple heart on my hip which I hate! But without a doubt, if I had Liv's body, I'd have Liv's tattoos. I wouldn't know where to stop. I LOVE tattoos, you can probably tell! (Liv's licking thing...that's all me!)

SJ: If you could only have ONE tattoo what would it be & why? I think mine would be an inspirational quote that will always ring true in my heart.
Kerry: I plan to have one quite soon actually and its a quote. In fact its a song title, maybe the longest song title EVER, but it is very pertinent to my hubby and I. He is the anchor, I am the wings.
'You be the anchor that keeps my feet on the ground. I'll be the wings that keep your heart in the clouds.'

SJ: The town in which you set this book is pretty close to my heart, why did you choose that particular place to write about and not any other town in the UK?
Kerry: It is set in a fictional Guildford, Surrey, I think you only picked up on the clues because you know it as well as I do! I did that because I wanted the book to feel real, so setting it in a place loosely based on somewhere I know kept my feet on the ground.
SJ: Have you ever visited Santa Monica, CA where Danny lives?
Kerry:! Well, I drove through it...the internet is a wonderful thing!! 
SJ: Is Lady Luck’s based on a real diner, if so where & what is it called?
Kerry: No, that one came right out of my head. I wish I owned Lady Luck's so dreaming it up wasn't difficult. But strangely, a couple of months ago, I was in Bournemouth and it was pouring with rain while we were looking for dinner. We just ran into this place and I almost fell over. I was basically standing in the bar at Lady Luck's. I was totally freaked out and needed a drink and a sit down. I had my jaw on the floor the whole time we were there, but typically, we didn't have a camera and we had left our phones behind as we were seeing a show! I keep meaning to go back with my camera.

For reference its called Ruby Jean's. But they have very few pictures on their website. 
SJ: At what age did you figure out you wanted to be a writer & other than being a successful writer, what is your DREAM job?

Kerry: I have always felt like I had a book in me, but that doesn't really mean I ever saw myself being a writer. Now that I have been playing at this for a year, I have dreams! I want to carry on doing this forever. I have honestly never felt so happy or creatively satisfied.

DREAM JOB: Spy! - I would be so good at that!
SJ: When you're not writing what do you enjoy doing in you spare time?
Kerry: I don't have any free time, but on the odd bit of down time I have, I read, obviously and I like to watch films of course. I used to be the ultimate reality TV junkie, but since I started writing, I don't even look in the direction of the TV anymore. I also sing incessantly. I used to be in a choir, but I gave it up when the writing started.
SJ: Are you a full time writer or do you just do it for leisure/pleasure at the moment?
Kerry: I do this morning noon and night. I have two small children who I should give more time to, a part time job I should be more focused on and a house that my husband is sick of cleaning. But I just wanted to push really hard until I had achieved getting Just Human out. We will see what happens now.

SJ: Who inspired you to start writing?  Is there that one special author that made you think about starting to write?
Kerry: This is one of those questions that has lots of answers. I suppose over all I'm going to have to say E.L. James. Fifty Shades was really the beginning of my true reading passion, like a lot of people. I read before that, but a mix of genres and infrequently. When I read Fifty Shades I suppose what I saw is you don't have to be the worlds most spectacular writer, to pull off a really great book. I suppose it opened my eyes to the possibility that mortals can write books and I wanted in!

For quality of writing though, my most inspiring author is Nicholas Evans. The Loop and The Smoke Jumper were phenomenal.
SJ: Danny was Liv's first love and Liv, Dannys but who was your first love?
Kerry: I know you'd love a juicy story here, but I've been married for almost nine years and I can honestly say that I never truly fell in love until some time in the last couple of years. I THOUGHT I had. But really, now I look back, lust and excitement isn't the same thing. So it turns out that my first love is my husband! HOW BORING! 

SJ: Liv is a huge lover of chick flicks, what is your favourite chick flick & favourite quote? Mine has to be Dirty Dancing with 'Nobody puts baby in the corner', otherwise I'm a real action film kinda girl.
Kerry: I love my romances, but I love action too. For me the perfect combo is the Fast and Furious films (Notice who I modeled Danny on!) because they have a bit of both.
Oh yes we certainly noticed...the gorgeous Paul Walker! *sighs and drifts off dreamily*

My all time favourite chick flick is also Dirty Dancing, but my favourite quote is:
"...most of all, I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life, the way I feel when I'm with you."

SJ: Okay, one more question about Just Human, what is your favourite quote from the book & why? Mine is stated in my review and I chose it because it's how I see Liv & just rings true to him in my head. (You will always be rooted with me)
Kerry: Mine is Danny's final words in the epilogue, which I'm not quoting here! But its my favourite quote because it so exposes all his thoughts and feelings in one sentence. It was emotional to write and it still gives me goose bumps when I read it. 

SJ: Any chance of a little snippet from Still Human? *grins cheekily* :-D
Kerry: Sorry, I can't find a single thing that isn't a spoiler!! You'll have to wait. ;)

SJ: We've heard all about Liv & Danny now, and since we can't get a snippet from book #2 without spoilers how about telling us about your new & upcoming projects? Are you working on anything new?
Kerry: Yes I am...something so very exciting I am fit to burst already! I have started a new series! Spencer and Jazz are nothing whatsoever like Danny and Liv and all I can tell you is that it it is seriously HOT! 

SJ: Ooh, sounds VERY interesting! Will this book be a different genre or are you sticking with your current style?
Kerry: No, not really. It is steamier, perhaps even with a little kink, but its basically a love story. Just a little angrier than most.

Okay enough about work,  lets go with the fun questions...

SJ: If you could be an animal, what animal would you be?
Kerry: A lion.
SJ: If you had to choose between super small head or size 14 feet, which would you choose?
Kerry: Feet, you can hide them under the table.
SJ: Which three objects would you take with you to a desert island?? (Phones & Laptops prohibited)
Kerry: Firstly if I can't have my phone, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't survive the experience, so I wouldn't need anything else. But if you insist, I'd take the Thoughtless series. If I'm allowed to count them as a single item, I'd also take Fifty and The Sinners too! 
SJ: You've got 1 hour before the world ends...what would you spend your last hour doing? (actually I'm not sure we want the answer to that question *hides behind hands*)
Kerry: Who has been giving you this information about me??? ;)
SJ: If you had to live on one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
Kerry: A good old roast probably.

SJ: Secret Crush?
Kerry: I have no secret crushes, I fancy everyone and I tell everyone about it!...Although, if I don't admit this, I have friends who will gladly expose me, so, ok...I admit to having a sort of older man crush/soft spot for...I can't believe I'm saying this...Dick Van Dyke!
Ahem,we aren't saying ANYTHING but...Dick Van dyke?? ;-)

SJ: Guilty Pleasure?
Kerry: Plastic burger cheese. You shouldn't like it but... 

SJ: If you could have one super power for the day what would it be & why?
Kerry: Hands down...flying.

SJ: I read on your website that you also love reading, who
is your favourite author and why?
Kerry: This is worse than the food question! I could give you a short-ish list, but no way one. 

SJ: On the same note favourite book series and for what reasons?
Kerry: Thoughtless. Because...Kellan! Sorry is that not enough for you? Well ok then, lets not forget Griffin as well! <3 #LongLiveTheKing

SJ: Most of us have a book boyfriend we will ALWAYS remember & will stay in our hearts, who is yours and why?
Kerry: Just because he was the first of the greats in my life, it has to be Christian.

SJ: If you were a man for the day what would you do? Whenever a man is asked this question his reply is simple 'look at myself in the mirror all day' *rolls eyes*  do they not do this anyway?
Kerry: Have sex! Wouldn't you want to know what it feels like for them? (Sorry!)

Right lets do some quick fire questions :) Would you rather?

Summer or Winter? Summer
White Chocolate Or Milk Chocolate? White Chocolate
Tea or Coffee? Tea
Desktop Or Laptop? Desktop
Sunny Vacation Or Ski Vacation? Sunny vacation
Pizza or Pasta? Pasta
Chinese or Indian? Chinese
Dog or Cat? Dog
Twitter or Facebook? Twitter
Kellan Kyle Or Christian Grey? ;)  REALLY???
Football Or Rugby? Rugby
High Heels or Pumps? Pumps
Boat or Plane? Plane
Manicure or Pedicure? Manicure
Iphone or Blackberry? Iphone
Text Message or Phone Call? Text message
Fan or Air con? Air con
Reading or Writing? Reading
Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla - just ice-cream though!
USA or Australia? USA
Pebbles or Sand? Pebbles
Silver or Gold? Silver
Coke or Diet Coke? Coke
Strawberries & Cream or Strawberries & Chocolate? Strawberries and cream

SJ: Thank you for taking time away from writing to do this with us, we are very grateful & can't wait to read Still Human. Am I right in guessing you're aiming for an Autumn release?
Once again thank you & good luck XOX 

Kerry: Yes hoping for an Autumn release for Still Human. Thank you so much for having me and thanks for reading! x

The Author 

Terrible wife
Mediocre mother
Appalling housewife
Fashion graduate
Wedding coordinator
Sex toy salesperson
Shop manager
Font collector
Romance addict
Fancier of nice men
Ok, fancier of almost all men
Awesome cupcake bake
Incessant singer
Film buff

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