Friday 1 March 2013

You Asked Heidi...

A few weeks ago we asked our followers (yes, you lovely people) to send us your questions for the author of the awesome Forever My Girl  Heidi McLaughlin and you didn't let us down. We had a good response to our request and have spent the time going through them. Unfortunately we couldn't use them all, as there were so many, so we chose the questions most of you seemed to be asking. Thank you all and a huge thank you to Heidi for taking time out of her busy schedule to answer them xx

How did you come up with the idea of Forever My Girl?
I saw a picture and had this thought of a man trying to win back the love of his life.

Do you have any one in mind when writing your male leads and if so, can you tell us who?
I do. I “cast” each of my characters before writing them. It helps when I have to picture what they look like or what they’re doing. Or even if they were to cut their hair or if it’s a guy, no shave for a week. For Liam, I used Stephen Amell and for Ryan, who you'll meet in Lost In You,  Colton Hayes.

Can you tell us anything about the new project you're working on?
I just finished a stand alone called Lost in You. It’s a new adult/contemp/coming of age novel. I’m hoping to have it out this spring and will be releasing the book cover in the next few days.

Where do you get your inspiration from for your books?
Inspiration usually comes from images or music, real life events and sometimes news. I like to take situations and see what I can do with them in my head.

What was the first book you read?
Um… Dr. Seuss? I don’t really know. My grandma was huge on books so we were always reading.

Have you a favourite book that you keep going back to?
Not really to read, but I do have a set of books that I go to for reference. I want to make sure that if I have a similar scene that I’m making it different and unique to me.

If we looked on your bookcase which authors would we find?
The question is who wouldn't you find. Kimberly Derting, Dan Wells, Jillian Dodd, Abbi Glines, Kiki Hamilton, Lauren Oliver Courtney Summers, Jenny Han, Jessi Kirby – I have just about everything. 

Which do you prefer, books or kindle?
Both, actually. I’ll read a book before going to bed and pick up my kindle and read for an hour or so in bed. It’s the best of both worlds for me.

Apart from books what do you and your beta reader, Yvette, have in common?
Music, movies, life. We are genuinely best friends.

We all have at least one guilty pleasure, what is yours?
Hmm… tough one. I guess I’d have to say cake or cookies, anything sweet, really.
and now for the main question everyone wants to know...

When will book two of The Beaumont series be out?
My Unexpected Forever  will be out… sorry, I wish I could tell you, but I can’t. I will say it will be out this summer so that means by September 22nd, which just so happens to be the first day of fall.

All we can say is...hurry up September!!! But in the meantime we have Lost In You  to look forward too.

For all things Forever My Girl and Team Beaumont  check out Heidi's merchandise store, you can find the link on our review page - Forever, Liam Page.

You can connect with Heidi on:

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